Married But Lonely

Nicole raised her hands in worship. This was her favorite place to be. As the melody and lyrics washed over her, she lifted her hands and her heart to God. I surrender Father. She was filled with such joy, yet tears soaked her cheeks. May he know you as I do...


Hello beautiful, I’m so glad you dropped by! This blog exists to glorify God and encourage people throughout the week. Here we seek what God is speaking to His daughters and sons.  Together, we break away from the world and get into The Word with scripture based posts and...

Feeling Stuck?

You ever feel stuck? It’s as though nobody gets what you’re going through. This couldn’t be further from the truth. We all deal with monotony. We all feel defeated at times. Sometimes we try carrying burdens that are way too big. This blog is packed with practical tools for...

You’re Not Alone!

Isolation is a killer. If you’re feeling abandoned or unloved please know that these are lies. Sometimes the things we tell ourselves are extreme. We’d probably never tell a friend the garbage we play through our own heads! Let me encourage you to uncover how you can become a...

Join Me Live on Facebook!

Hello fellow bloggers! I want to personally invite you to join me live at 12:30 MST on my Facebook page Get Unstuck: Insight for Christian Living for a Moment of Truth in the middle of your day! Feel free to share in the conversation as we study Matthew 22:37...

The Red Pen

Jack looked at his test corrections and sank. There was more red on the paper than either black or white. In disgust, he crumpled it and threw it far. I quit quickly rose to his lips, but he shut those words down before they came out. Torn between anger...

YOU are the PROOF!

Have you been laughed at for following Jesus? Has anyone mocked your belief with fancy arguments and well crafted insults? If so, chances are you’re making our Lord smile because you’re not a closet Christian or a fair-weather follower! As we take a stand for Jesus and love one...

Out of Whack?

Ever been so stiff you can’t find any comfort? It’s like your back is twisted in a knot and your struggling just to breathe. This was me yesterday! I tried heat, nothing. I tried ice, nothing. I tried massage, nothing. In fact the massage therapist kindly said, “I’m not...

Offended much?

It seems popular to get easily offended. People gripe, whine, and get bugged but they rarely GET OVER IT! You don’t really hear people bragging about moving on no matter how someone has wronged them. How much time do you spend irritated at the irresponsibility and inconsideration of others?...

Let Your ‘No’ mean ‘No’!

Have you ever had those moments of dread as you tell yourself, “Why did I agree to this?” If you answered yes, chances are you struggle with setting and keeping healthy boundaries. Put aside for a moment the lectures you may have heard from the past and recognize God’s...

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